Frequently Asked Questions

How can I contact customer service?

We have different options; you can click the help button on the right corner on the website, you can email us at, or you call us at 310-483-7783.

Where are you located?

We are located at 21809 S Western Ave, Torrance, CA, 90501

Shipping & Returns

Do you ship Internationally?

Yes, we offer two carriers: Global Post (10-20 business days in transit) and DHL (3-7 business days in transit).

Do I have to pay duties on international shipping?

Depending on your country, your order may be subject to import taxes, customs duties, and fees which are the responsibility of the customer. You may wish to contact your local customs office for more information.

How long does it take to ship my order?

It will take 3-5 business days.

How do you ship?

Domestic: USPS First Class, USPS Priority Mail and UPS || International: DHL and GlobalPost.

How long does it take to ship a custom tag?

Custom tags take 7-10 business days to process.

Do you offer faster shipping?

Yes, we offer USPS Priority Mail, UPS 2nd Day Air, and UPS Next Day Air for domestic orders and DHL Express for international orders.

Can I change my shipping address?

Yes, you can. You have 24 hours after the order was placed to change your shipping address. Please email with your order number and the correct address.

Can I return my order?

Please check our Return Policy 


Can I change my information on a custom tag order once my order is placed?

Please contact customer service for more details.

Why is there no tracking update?

As some packages are shipped internationally, you may not see updates via local couriers until the package is cleared by local customs and entry is granted into your country. We ask that you kindly wait patiently. Once this process has been completed, you will see tracking updates.

How can I cancel my order?

You have 1-2 business days to request a cancellation after your order is placed. Please contact customer service for more information

I returned the product, when will I get my refund?

Once we have the items you wish to return, you’ll receive an email confirming that your refund is being processed. Please allow for 1-2 weeks for us to receive and process your refund. 

Why isn't my promo code working?

There are a few reasons why a code may not be working: wrong code typed in, the code has already expired or the coupon was used on a previous order. If you feel there is an error with your code, please try re-entering the code before contacting customer service.

Why can't I use the same coupon code twice?

Coupon codes are valid for a one-time use.

Forgot to apply a promo code to your order?

No worries! Contact customer service to check if the coupon can be applied to your order.

I got the "delivered" confirmation email, but I can’t find my package. What should I do?

Be sure to check around your house and mailbox or ask your neighbors if they received it for you. There's also a chance it was marked ‘Delivered’ before it was dropped off. If your package still hasn’t turned up 72 hours after you received a delivery confirmation email, contact customer service.

What if I received a wrong item?

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience! You may contact customer service for a prompt solution. Note: The order number is needed. Please also submit photos of the wrong item(s) you received.


Having problems with the Cable Clasp?

Please check the instructions here

What information can be engrave on a custom tag? 

It could be your name, address and phone number but also you may also can have a custom message engraved. Please check here for more details. 

Can I exchange my Mystery Tag?

Please check our PT Frequent Flyer Policy for more information.

Didn’t find your answer?

Don't hestitate to contact us