Aviation History and Photos Blog | PlaneTags™
Aeroflot MD-11F: Connecting Cargo With The World
Messerschmitt BF-109: Luftwaffe’s Greatest Fighter
The Messerschmitt BF 109 was considered one of the best WWII fighters and the backbone of the German Luftwaffe fighting force. It was the most produced German fighter during WWII, and one of the most produced warbirds of WW2 with nearly 34,000 produced. MotoArt is pleased to offer Messerschmitt BF 109 PlaneTags, with a portion of the proceeds to benefit the Spirit of Flight Foundation’s restoration project.
ANA’s Triple 777 - A Jet for a New Century
Hawaiian Airlines L-1011: A True Flower In The Sky
Spotting a Hawaiian Airlines L-1011 with its bright fuchsia and coral livery and Pualani logo evoked warm feelings and thoughts of luxury travel to beautiful tropical islands. Read more about the newest PlaneTags from MotoArt and get a Hawaiian Airlines Lockheed L1011 Tristar PlaneTag of your own.
Lucky Lady III: A Record Setting B-52
P-47 Thunderbolt: A Juggernaut Over German Skies
MotoArt’s Military Planes: Saluting Our Mighty Defenders
Thai Airways 747: Culture and Hospitality On Board
The Handley Page Victor: A V-Bomber That Delivered
The Handley Page Victor, the last of the British V-Bombers, entered the Cold War fray during the ’50s and served with the RAF years beyond the lifetime of the manufacturer itself. One of them, XL191 RAF, faithfully flew with the 55 Squadron as an aerial fuel tanker. Read more about this dramatic, fantastic looking plane then add Handley Page Victor K2 PlaneTags to your collection.